Antique mother of pearl opera glasses value
Antique mother of pearl opera glasses value

antique mother of pearl opera glasses value

Shipping charges start at $149, depending on product type, size, location of the buyer and seller, and value Local rates are available on most items where the delivery location is within 50 miles. Item is delivered inside your home and placed in the room of your choice (installation and hookup are not Items are typically delivered within 2 weeks of the purchase date. Shipping charges start at $9 - and vary based on the size, weight, packaging and the value of the item. Only pieces that can be safely packed in a box or envelope may be shipped via parcel. Shipment is arranged through recognized carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and DHL. Pickup Verification & Seller's contact information Please contact the seller within 5 days to coordinate pickup Local pickup allows customers to inspect an item at the time of pickup and avoid shipping costs.įollowing purchase, a confirmation email is sent to the email address associated with the order, and includes: When an item with Free Shipping is returned, the cost of return shipping fees will be charged to the buyer. Smaller items are typically delivered within 2 weeks of the purchase date, while larger items and furniture may Note: Made-to-Order items typically include a lead time or custom delivery window, which is detailed in theįor shipping on all other items, please see below:įree shipping may be offered on select listings.

Antique mother of pearl opera glasses value